
Artistic Lineage

  My mother, Mary Ellen Carter Marshall, was the middle of seven children. She was born during the Great Depression....

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An avid genealogist, Kathy Lynne Marshall explores new DNA tools, refines her research findings, enjoys meeting new relatives and writing historical books that celebrate the ancestors. She collaborates with experts to accurately interpret documents and theories of lineage. She may also share some clay art or sculptural welding techniques

Harambee Cover_2023-Jan28

Discover Challenging Information In Your Family Tree?

Imagine me, a Black woman, taking a wildly exciting genealogy trip to Georgia and Alabama, former slave states, with a Caucasian cousin who descends from my family’s Marshall slave-owners. I wrote a book about the funny and uncomfortable race-based conversations we had in the car and shared hotel room. My Finding Marshalls: A Genealogy Trip with a Black and White Twist book also has a chapter about how I arranged for us to meet with Black and White relatives and history experts during the trip. Since then, several organizations have requested me to give talks about the enlightening experience. That’s how my step-by-step workbook was born.

Family Harambee! How to Discuss Potentially Challenging Discoveries in Your Family Tree – A Workbook helps families come to grips with facts about their shared family history. “Harambee” is a popular Swahili word from Kenya, Africa, which means “all pull together.”

DNA testing and traditional genealogical research can reveal joyful information about family lineage, as well as secrets that did not want to be told. The workbook offers useful methods for discussing the positive and the difficult revelations with relatives. Breaking bread with family and examining our inner feelings of race, gender, and age, could help all come to common ground.

For the most part, I used my experiences from a large reunion in 1983 and mid-sized get togethers in 1986 and 2003 to flesh out each committee-oriented task in the workbook. However, I did most of the tasks myself for the Georgia trip since each Harambee consisted of a few people. This workbook format includes ample opportunities for patrons to customize my process for their needs, including forms they may use to plan their own Harambee gathering.

My passion has been encouraging people to write their family stories via genealogy books and presentations to various groups. That’s why I include the steps I use to research, write, and self-publish in all my heritage books. This workbook will give people the confidence to broach potentially uncomfortable topics with their families. Harambee!